Course Overview
The goal of this course is to explain the diagnosis, digital and perio-prosthodontic planning to achieve ideal emergency profiles and highly aesthetic results which seeks to meet the needs of the most demanding patients.
Price is for all 3 days including hands on components.
DAY 1: 09:00-17:30
- Current situation of the Implantology: the more frequent aesthetic complications, and how to prevent them.
- Mucogingival surgery techniques applied to Implantology: long term results.
- Different Approaches: delayed implant, immediate implant, with and without temporary restoration
- Socket Preservation; when, how and why?
- Immediate Implants in Infected Sites: protocol
- Selection criteria
- Bone regeneration in post-extraction implants
- Soft tissue graft in post-extraction implants
- Pontic site reconstruction
- Digital Protocol: scanning and milling the provisional
DAY 2: 09:00-19:00
- Immediate Implants: different clinical situations; advantages and disadvantages; minimalist approach
- Surgical Technique and Drilling Protocol
- Immediate Temporary Restoration
- “The 3-steps and 2-steps Technique” by Dr. Meda: step by step protocol, including videos; limitations to the technique
- Keeping and Creating the Emergence Profile: customised healing cup; the EBC concept!
- Hands-On: Tunnelled connective tissue graft in pig jaw
- Hands-On: Shaping the emergency profile in the provisional
DAY 3: 09:00-13:00
- Digitally assisted full-mouth immediate implant supported rehabilitation with a mucogingival approach
- Diagnosis and treatment planning. Softwares and digital planification.
- Guided Surgery: when, why and how?
- Prosthodontic Protocol: how to build the ideal temporary restoration. PMMA provisional and pontic management.
- Periodontal Protocol: mucogingival surgery in order to avoid a hybrid denture
- How to get the Ideal Emergence Profile
- Solving Esthetic Complications